Rabu, 11 September 2013


Hello my name is Deyza Achrizt Arisintani, I'm 16. I'm in 11th grade at the SMA 3 Bandung. I have, gladly, happy family with two older sisters....

My family and my junior school friends called me Didee, but in senior school I don't introduce myself as Didee because I'm trying to lose my image as a kid. (Didee sounds like 'ade' or little sister/brother)
You know people treat you like a kid when they not take you seriously and you got the least amount of responsibility

 Well, that's my weakness : immature. I'm still learning how to be more mature but what can I say, I'm enjoying who I am ha-ha I know that's not good to keep like this but like what I said, I'm learning.

Me, freezing on the top of Mt. Semeru 3676 mdpl
I LOVE music, movies, books, eating and sleeping, like teenagers in common, but I also love adventure and nature. That's why I'm joining Jamadagni, association for mountaineer at SMA 3 Bandung. Last July, me and friends from Jamadagni went to Mt. Semeru for expedition about damage caused by irresponsible climbers. The outputs are in the process, but I hope we can complete it in the end of September. 

I still can't believe next 2 years it's my graduation and then I go to university. Yesterday, like 3 days ago I was thinking to be a doctor but then I read an article about struggle of the medical students I was like, damn I don't have to face those problems to be a successful  person. I have so many choices in my head but the most stands out is to go to FTTM ITB. Maybe next 3 days I will change my mind again, I don't know I'm still very unsure. 

Thanks for reading my short text, have a good day!

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