Senin, 11 November 2013

What if I had 1 billion rupiah?

I think i will spend it with :

1. SHOPPING. Buy everything in every store in the mall
4. Set aside for capital business so i can make more money
5. Beauty treatment every weeks
6. Hire assistant + driver for me and my family
7. NEW PHONE urgent alert

The Golden List

Hello there! I just posted a new entry, it's about things which can make me happier and I'm really sure it can make other people become happier too. This probably will never happen, but like Nina said, a girl can dream ha-ha. So, here's the list!

Kamis, 19 September 2013

About "Her"

Hello there! I would write about short story not long ago I published here. The title is “Her”, very romantic story, a wife would sacrifice everything for her husband...

Minggu, 15 September 2013


Short Story from Indonesia : HER

By : Titis Basino

Just like that I let him leave. I listened to the steadily fading sound of his car as he drove away. The motor grew fainter and fainter until it was finally drowned out by the children’s voices. At moments like that I felt that he accepted the freedom I had given him with too obvious relief...

Rabu, 11 September 2013


Hello my name is Deyza Achrizt Arisintani, I'm 16. I'm in 11th grade at the SMA 3 Bandung. I have, gladly, happy family with two older sisters....