Senin, 21 April 2014

Summary : Mahatma Gandhi ENTERS THE MONKEY

Of course you've heard of the three monkeys that are always mentioned along with Gandhi's name. But have you also heard of how they came to be with him in the first place? Find out from this recollection by someone who worked with both Tagore and Gandhi.

Most of the people who came to see Gandhi sought his advice on something or the other. But one day came a party of visitors from China. "Gandhiji, we have brought you a small gift," they said. "It is no bigger than a child's toy, but it is famous in our country." To Gandhi's delight it was a set of the three monkeys that were later to become so well-known and to be kept carefully by him for the rest of his life.

(Majorie Sykes was born in 1905, and obtained a Teacher's Diploma from Cambridge in 1927. She came to India to teach at Madras, then went on to Shantiniketan during 1938-47.

She came to Sevagram in 1948 to work in the Nai Talim School. Later she worked at Hoshangabad. She passed away in April 1996 in England.)

Jumat, 18 April 2014

Six Questions : Cleaning Up Like A Boss

1. What she expected once she was moving to Singapore?
2. What is Aidha?
3. What one of the courses taught in Aidha?
4. What is she doing in Aidha?
5. What is she doing for her and her family living in the Philippines?
6. What makes her happy in her job?

The Next Leader : Election of Lunch Club Chairman

Good evening, my name is Deyza and I'm as one of the members in this club want to share what is on my mind about our next leader. As we know, in past two months we had five thiefery and we still couldn't catch whoever behind this. Furthermore, let us see this room where we do all our club activities. So messy and smell not so good and it's hard just to find a simple thing, like scissors behind all this unimportant stuff. Our next leader should can handle this problem. He, or She, should have a creative idea and courage to make it happen. The next leader should more concern about what's going on in this club, what we really need, to advance this club to be even better than before.

I want  us to unite and open to one and others to share and give. To know more closely so the sense of caring, and belonging can grow around us. We can do more joint activities, activities outside the club like a trip out of town, amusement park, camping and whatever as long as it's fun. I think if we know about each other we can solve our problem together as one.

And about this room, I think we really need renovation and new decoration. First, of course we have to get rid of the rubbish and organize and classify all those stuff by function. Then we can decide where we gonna put it. Maybe we can do something about the walls, hang something on it, maybe pictures of us. We make this room as comfortable as possible so we like to spend our time in here.

Me, as senior and have been joining this club since my first year, more than know and concern what's in this club. After everything i got from this club, i think the only way i can do my best for this club is being the chairman. And I'm more than ready to do that, I would the risk to make this club better than before. If you agree and want to make good different with me, choose me to be new chairman of the Lunch Club. From friends become family. Thank you